I think the key here is to not think about all of the joints and members to skip, but rather to have the option to only consider (include) one type of connection. In this case In-Line Tubular. It seems that many of the features in SACS are set up of skip or exclude something, and sometime the user would rather include something as that list could be smaller and easier to maintain.
Do you mean in the listing file, Interactive Fatigue, or both? SACS currently only has the option to Skip Members and Cans which will also skip tubular in-line connections and tubular member fatigue. Would you want this as a separate option alongside the other "Skip" options so there would be: Skip Tubular Joints, Skip Tubular Members, Skip In-Line Connections, Skip Plates, and Skip Non-Tubular Elements?
Thanks for the response.
I think the key here is to not think about all of the joints and members to skip, but rather to have the option to only consider (include) one type of connection. In this case In-Line Tubular. It seems that many of the features in SACS are set up of skip or exclude something, and sometime the user would rather include something as that list could be smaller and easier to maintain.
Do you mean in the listing file, Interactive Fatigue, or both? SACS currently only has the option to Skip Members and Cans which will also skip tubular in-line connections and tubular member fatigue. Would you want this as a separate option alongside the other "Skip" options so there would be: Skip Tubular Joints, Skip Tubular Members, Skip In-Line Connections, Skip Plates, and Skip Non-Tubular Elements?