Multiple precede graphical color settings configurations
I would like to have the possibility to save and easily switch between 2 display color settings configurations (not model dependent), for example one with dark background for modelling and one with white background for taking screengrabs.
Would a "Dark Mode" be acceptable where we just swap the "Top Background" and "Bottom Background" colors with the "Joints" and "Joint Labels" colors? This is what I typically do when swapping between these two modes, and it could be easier than trying to navigate a drop-down menu. Do you think you would ever need more than two modes?
Would a "Dark Mode" be acceptable where we just swap the "Top Background" and "Bottom Background" colors with the "Joints" and "Joint Labels" colors? This is what I typically do when swapping between these two modes, and it could be easier than trying to navigate a drop-down menu. Do you think you would ever need more than two modes?
yes, it is useful. May be this update will implemented in 2 years or (maynot).